
March 21, 2019

arch 21, 2019

Judy Hollaway


December 14

Running with Jesus  


Acts 27:4  And when we had launched from thence, we sailed under Cyprus, because the winds were contrary.


     You and I can count on after having a time of refreshing contrary winds will come. This is why times of refreshing are important and need to be done daily in our lives. When we do not prepare in the calm times we will be shipwrecked without a life jacket or a safety boat. The days ahead on Paul's ship are going to be tough. We will see how God was with him as he faced and overcame each challenge with his faith and relationship with God.

      For me there are many times when God will begin to prepare me for things coming. He loves us and will not leave us alone to run through life. Sometimes we are tested by a wipe out but He is always there with His hand reaching out to pull us back up. 

      So don't be surprised by rough winds, just stay prepared. Stay in the Word because sometimes we have to anchor down till they pass. The Word is filled with anchors for your soul! Here is one, Isaiah 43:2  "When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."


Father, Thank You for our anchors when the winds are more than we can bear.  Help that one who is being tossed today let them learn to refresh daily and always put the anchors for their soul on board! 


Who do you believe? Join me in the morning!


March 20, 2019

March  20, 2019

Judy Hollaway


December 13
Running with Jesus

Acts 27:3 "And the next day we touched at Sidon. And Julius courteously entreated Paul, and gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself."

      Paul was placed in a ship to get to Rome when he appealed for Caesar to hear his case.  During his travel he was allowed to get off the boat and go to his friend’s house to refresh himself! Refresh means to give new strength or give energy to. After two years in prison I am sure going ashore to have a bath and shave was a real luxury.  Isn't it amazing how God would do these things for Paul? Paul almost persuaded Agrippa to believe and now his guard was close to Paul gaining favor enough for him to let him go ashore. I don't know which would have refreshed Paul the most, his guard letting him go or the shower! I guess both! The shower physically, but spiritually seeing God at work through unbelievers. Paul was on mission for God and He would give him refreshing by little things (or should I say BIG things!) in order to endure the tough times that came his way. Paul was liked by unbelievers!
      The word is where we can go and refresh ourselves. I know I can feel dry, dirty, and thirsty, spiritually and I can spend time in the Word and leave saturated, clean and satisfied (refreshed). I can continue to be about my Father's business. So if you are feeling low, distant from God, worn out from doing life, I think it is time for you to spend some time washing in the water of His Word! Get refreshed and you will have strength to continue your journey!

Father, I pray for that one who is dried up today. Let them know You are the river of life that is ready and waiting to refresh them!

(Spend some time reading Psalm 1 today, my favorite refreshing hole.)

Tomorrow: Contrary winds!


March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019

Judy Hollaway


December 12

Running with Jesus


Acts 27:1 And when it was determined that we should sail into Italy, they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners unto one named Julius, a centurion of Augustus' band."


      I always say that every little word in the Bible has meaning and purpose.  "We" is the little word I will focus on today! All year we have been going through Dr. Luke's writings of the books of Luke and Acts. Luke was running with Jesus’ Spirit in him and that made him a great companion to the disciples especially, Peter and Paul. As Paul was being sent to trial in Rome, Luke is found right there beside him. We discussed months back that after Jesus ascended into heaven to dwell with His Father that the Holy Spirit was sent to dwell with man and Jesus presence dwells in us and guides and leads us in paths of righteousness. He has been speaking to us on this run and we have been learning from the best how they were guided and led by the Spirit.

     To run through life we need the Holy Spirit and some "we s", who are our companions and encouragers given to support us. Luke was constantly working side by side with Paul. Paul was in prison and needed all the support and help he could get. 

     You may feel you have no "we s" but I have to ask are you a "we"? They say to have friends you have to be a friend; to have companions you have to be a companion, and to have we s you have to be a “we”! Look for someone who is doing God's work and join them in the work. Find ways to be a "we" and encourage and help them. Let the Spirit guide you. 


 Father, thank You for Your Holy Spirit and all those who are our "we" encouragers on our run through life.  Show us how to be a "we"! We are stronger when we have people who can lift us up! 


Refresh yourself, tomorrow!


March 18, 2019

March 18, 2019

Judy Hollaway


December 11

Running with Jesus  


Acts 26:27-28 "King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? I know that thou believest. Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."


      Paul finished his testimony and spoke directly with King Agrippa. He told him that all the things that happened to Jesus were not done in secret or in a corner and that Agrippa already had known the facts about his crucifixion and resurrection. Paul was desperately trying to help him understand truth. After calling Paul a mad man, he responds, Paul, You almost persuaded me to be a Christian".  Paul asks him, "believe the prophets, I know you believe!"  

      Many are almost persuaded to believe in our land today. Every year at Christmas the image of the birth of Christ comes to life! This is a time for us to share our faith too.   Paul was in chains for his faith but at this moment he set his problems aside and focused on the soul of this lost man. Most of the problems we face in our lives are distraction tactics from the old sneaky snake himself. Remember how in the garden he got Adam and Eve to focus on the one thing they didn't have that caused them to fall. Well, he is at work to get us so distracted by our circumstances that we forget our mission! Our circumstances come to distract us and immobilize us as a Christian witness. These distractions cause us pain that turn us inward and not outward so we are not aware of the needs of others. Man's greatest need is to know they are a sinner and Christ died to redeem their souls. So don't let these distractions hinder your calling.  Don't let the deceiver stop you from persuading men. Be like Paul who forgot the chains of distraction and focused on persuading men to place their faith in Jesus. 

      I ask, if you are not a believer, are you almost persuaded this morning? Look around at all the signs during this CHRIST-mas season! The Savior is born, Emanuel, God with us. Don't go away and ignore the signs! It will determine where you spend eternity!


Father, we pray for Your Spirit to help us be aware of Satan's distraction tactics. Help us work and persuade men to know the truth during this season of celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world. 


We need to be a "we", Come back tomorrow and check this out! 


March 17, 2019

March 17, 2019

Judy Hollaway


December 10
Running with Jesus  

Acts 26:24  And as he thus spake for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.

      Paul continued sharing His testimony with King Agrippa. Wish I could have been a fly in that room when he told Paul he had gone mad!  But wait, we don't have to go far, just turn on the TV and you can see and hear a host of people who think the same think about Christians. They think we are shrimps and have become Bible thumping and mental cased people. They think we are old fogeys. They say times have changed and our ways are out of date or we have heard that story a million years about Christ returning!  They say Christianity is only a crutch.
      The world had rather believe we evolved from a tadpole or a boom in the universe. Now it takes a mad man to believe people evolve. If that be so why are we not still evolving?  Any person can see there is a good and evil force living among us. Look closely don't you see wars, death, disease, evil works, murder, lying, stealing, adultery, rape, and so much that could be written. Then there is love, joy, peace, helping, giving and so much more.  So let's look at the names of the forces God and Satan, God is love. He is the giver and sustainer of life. Satan is hate, the robber and destroyer of life. So you tell me, who is insane? Unbelievers, who will one day say why did I not believe!
      The Bible tells us nature itself teaches us there is a God and man will have no excuse on the Day of Judgment! So wake up blinded man and follow the mad man. He will lead you to Jesus dying on the cross which will take you to heaven.

Father, thank You for all the mad men preaching You placed in my life to lead me to You! We pray for the unbelief to be driven from our land. We pray for truth to prevail over evil. Open the eyes of their hearts to understand truth.

Paul almost persuades King Aggrippa tomorrow! Hurry back!