June 14, 2018
June 14, 2018
Judy Hollaway
March 7
Running with Jesus 2015
Luke 10:5-6 “When you enter a home, greet the family, ‘Peace.’ If your greeting is received, then it’s a good place to stay. But if it’s not received, take it back and get out. Don’t impose yourself."
Sometime people don't want to share Christ because they don't know how they will respond. Then they feel they fail when that person doesn't accept Christ. Jesus was teaching His disciples to go and carry the gospel into homes and cities if it was received it was good and if rejected to move on.
There are two things to be learned from His instructions. First we are obligated to go and tell it is His job to save. Once we have done so another scripture tells us their blood is not on our hands. We are to obey.
Second lesson to be learned is for those who do not receive Christ when He comes knocking on their doors. He has chosen man to share and preach the gospel and then tells them to move on! Better be careful about delay because today is the day of salvation.
The rest says in verses 10-12 “When you enter a town and are not received, go out in the street and say, ‘The only thing we got from you is the dirt on our feet, and we’re giving it back. Did you have any idea that God’s kingdom was right on your doorstep?’ Sodom will have it better on Judgment Day than the town that rejects you."
These are strong words but not as hot as hell will be! Don't stop runners you could save some souls. Don't get discouraged!
Father help us be obedient to share and please help those we share with have open hearts before it is too late!
Remember this Luke 10:16“The one who listens to you, listens to me. The one who rejects you, rejects me. And rejecting me is the same as rejecting God, who sent me.”
Tomorrow: Runners discipline yourselves!