
November 30, 2019

November 30

Running with Jesus


Acts 24:2a "And when he was called forth, Tertullus began to accuse him...."


     The High Priest arrived and was ready to make his case against Paul and brought this man Tertullus, a great orator to do some of his talking. They began to accuse Paul and verse 5 gives us some of their accusations; "For we have found this man a pestilent fellow and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes".

     I could not help but think of the fact we have an accuser Revelation 12:10 "..... for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."

      Satan loves to run to God and point out our weaknesses and bring condemnation upon us. We have to learn to discern conviction from condemnation. God will convict us about our sin to draw us to repent and once we have confessed and turned from our sin it is under the blood. God cast it as far as the east is from the west. But rest assured our accuser doesn't want us to forget it! He will stand on your shoulder and whisper in your ear guilty, guilty, guilty to bring you to self-condemnation. You must learn to discern his voice. He is a liar and will tell you that you are not forgiven and help you not forgive yourself. That is when you have to quote scriptures; old things are passed away and all things have become new, and Romans 8:1"There is therefore no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus." Next you put up a no fishing sign post in your mind, don't go back to that place. Live in your new life in Christ and remember you have an advocate up there in the heavenly court saying you are His and that is under the blood!


Father, thank You for Jesus and knowing we can move on with our lives and get a new start and You have us in the palm of Your hand. Thank You that one day our accuser will be placed in the pit of hell. Help us walk in Your discernment of truth and not his lies. Thank You for forgiveness and mercy You give us every day. 


The God of our fathers, tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 29, 2019

November 29
Running with Jesus

Acts 23:35 “He said I will hear thee, said he, when thine accusers are also come. And he commanded him to be kept in Herod's judgment hall."

     Paul was placed in the judgment hall when he reached Caesarea. This would be a prison. In those days it was called "house of darkness" I read it was like a manhole they were placed down into and was dark where only torches were lit for the guards to see by. Archeologists have found walls with chains and shackles that would hold them and normally it could take long periods before brought to trial. In Paul’s case since they had no reason to try him they hoped the riot would calm down. It was not the case. We know Paul was often in chains and beaten. We can reflect back and remember times when he and Silas praised God while in prison.
     We all experience times we feel we are in that "house of darkness". We feel chained and hopeless. We must remember to worship and praise God during those times. Praising and looking up at the goodness of God will help us endure those times.
      Sometimes I tell the Father the only good I see right now are Your attributes and often I turn, especially at bed time, to Isaiah chapter 6 and read where Isaiah saw the Lord sitting on His throne lifted up and His train filled the temple. Then he saw angels flying around the throne crying out "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heavens’ Armies! The whole earth is filled with your glory!" I put myself to sleep meditating and visualizing heaven.
     This earth has so many dark places but in heaven and eternity Jesus is the light and there is no need for a sun, moon or stars. And one day he will wipe away every tear we have ever shed on this earth.
  Take some time and go and read this Isaiah passage and let the peace of God surround you.

Father, I know in my darkest days You have always come to me and as I look into Your word you bring light and lift me up as I keep my mind stayed upon You. You had mercy upon man after they sinned and caused us to live in a fallen world and You gave us living hope after this world passes and for that we can worship and praise You. We have a Savior who suffered and knows and understands our pain. Thank You for salvation and hope. Bless that one who needs to know You see in their dark places too.

Meet your accuser tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 28, 2019

November 28

Running with Jesus


Acts 23:23 " And he called unto him two centurions, saying, Make ready two hundred soldiers to go to Caesarea, and horsemen threescore and ten, and spearmen two hundred, at the third hour of the night;"


     God told Paul he would be going to Rome the night Jesus came and appeared to him in verse 11. At that point Paul knew he would not be killed yet! God used his nephew to reveal the plot and today we see through that child God would intervene and use a whole band of soldiers to protect him.

     God intervened are words we all need to hear during those tough places. God's ways are not our ways for sure. Our ways are definitely limited. God is all seeing and all knowing and he can use even the hardest places in our lives to bring honor and glory to His name. When we trust in Him, He will work things out for us in greater ways than we can imagine. 

     Paul put his life into the hands of God. He lived everyday ready to go home but he also lived so others by his life could come to know God. We too must live our lives ready to go but also to be a witness. We must allow God to intervene in the way He chooses. When we do this we can rest knowing that the end things will work out much better than we could expect. He is asking us to trust Him in our difficult days. He will get us to the other side. He used a band of soldiers to help him carry out His mission. 


 Father, as we come today bringing our hard places to You, we trust in You Lord. We choose to stop trying to figure it all out and choose to rest in You as You intervene in our lives and work things out. We choose to live for Your glory and are taking one day at a time. There is no other way but to trust You and obey. 


Tomorrow: The house of darkness.


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 27, 2019

ovember 27

Running with Jesus  


Acts 23:16; 19  "And when Paul's sister's son heard of their lying in wait, he went and entered into the castle, and told Paul.   Then the chief captain took him by the hand, and went with him aside privately, and asked him, What is that thou hast to tell me?


     Paul was in a tough place, the Jewish council outside was plotting every way possible to kill him. His nephew overheard one of their schemes and went and told Paul and Paul ask to have him speak to the commander and he did and as a result Paul was protected.

     So often we underestimate children and there are times that we would benefit if we listen to them. Children are usually open and honest with you. It is a shame more adults don't ask their kids what they should be doing and how they should be acting. Children are easy to forgive and forget. They trust and love innocently with no hidden motives. 

      I am reminded today that Paul taught us that we should be imitators of God like little children. Also, Jesus said suffer the little children to come unto me for such is the kingdom of God.  Children are moldable and teachable. Children can be used by God to teach us valuable lessons and can be help to us. So don't take the children around you for granted! Ask them their opinions sometimes.


Father, thank You for reminding us to not ignore the children that surround us. Thank You for reminding us You can use children to help us. God bless the children in America help us watch out for them. 


     Spend time with the children in your life and thank God for them today. Say a special prayer for them. 


God intervenes, in the morning!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 26, 2019

November 26

Running with Jesus


Acts 23:15  "Now therefore ye with the council signify to the chief captain that he bring him down unto you tomorrow, as though ye would enquire something more perfectly concerning him: and we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him."


     These Jewish leaders were determined to kill Paul. They made a pact because they were so filled with anger they threatened they would not eat till they had him killed.  Anger will lead us to kill. We say not me I want kill anyone. We may not kill physically but we sure can kill a person’s spirit. 

     This happened to me when I was very young. Some people I trusted betrayed me and said some hurtful things that almost injured me to the point I was devastated spiritually. I was young and did not understand how our enemy, Satan, seeks to devour our lives. He couldn't get my soul so he fought to crush my spirit. A young girl on fire for Jesus was an open target for a bucket of water. He lives to plot ways to bring us down. He throws one bucket after another thinking, "this one will take her down!"  But we have to remember, "'He who began a good work in us is able to complete it." Philippians 1:6. We didn't start our fire Jesus did and it is His fire in us and no amount of water thrown at us can put out His fire! We must stay on the path in our darkest hours. We usually come out stronger and know God in a different light after we go through the attacks. Just hold on. The palm trees have a deeper root system that helps withstand the winds and rains. They bend but always pop right back up. It is that deep root system that enables them. So when Satan pours it on get deeper into the Word that will take you deeper into the Lord.


Father, for that one who has had its first big bucket of water thrown at their spirit, let them see the flame reduced but is coming back stronger but never went out. Let them feel the warmth of Your presence burning in their hearts. Tell them they will flourish again and do a greater work! 


In the morning, God uses children. Hurry back!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015