
June 19, 2019

June 19

Running with Jesus


Luke 19:47- 48 And he taught daily in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him, And could not find what they might do: for all the people were very attentive to hear him.


       I had to continue with this passage from yesterday. I shared about killing Jesus and today what stood in the way of them being able to kill Jesus. Look at the last part of the second verse?   "They couldn't find a way because the people were attentive to Jesus" There you have it!   Church this is what we all must do and stand together. In our deteriorating society that wants us to be compromising of our godly principle it is a must for us to be attentive to the work of Christ. 

      How attentive have we been this past week? Ask God to show us how we can continue to run with Him in a way that can alter those around us. When they all came together they were effective in helping deter the work of those who opposed Jesus and we're trying to crucify Him.


 Father, help us give You the attention we need to make a difference and lead us to places we can be effective. It is our desire to serve You! Help us turn off the TV's and Radio's and turn up our ears so we can hear! Thank You for the way You will guide and leads us! We give You our attention and heart! Help us pay attention our Father and Lord Jesus Christ and help us listen to Your Spirit! We love You Father.


Using the authority given to us, tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


June 18, 2019

June 18

Running with Jesus


Luke 19:47 “And he taught daily in the temple. But the chief priests, and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy Him.”


     “Killing Jesus”, is the title of Bill O’Riley’s book that came out and a documentary segment not long ago.  This sounds familiar to Biblical days, yet, in this century.  After Jesus cleared the temple of the den of thieves he began teaching daily in the temple.  The religious and the rulers didn’t like the fact Jesus was messing up their business and correcting their sinful ways. They began plotting ways to kill and get rid of this man who was upsetting their lifestyle and telling them truth about the way they were not living according to God’s standards.  They used religion to look good and for popularity. I remember when I went to beauty school and also heard my sister say when she went to real estate school suggest you go to church to build a clientele so you can prosper in your business.  I also have seen many times people attend church when it is political election time. The government don’t want the church to get involved in communities so those communities  have gang related violence when they  tore down the ten commandments which is the thermostat to help people understand what self control is all about, but of course it tells us to love God with all our heart, mind and soul.

     Today we have people who want to kill Jesus for the same reasons.  They do not want to hear that they are sinners.  They practice unlawfully in their businesses and live ungodly lifestyles. They play right into the hands of their enemy, Satan, who loves it when we remove prayer from schools and tear down the Ten Commandments that teach us we are sinners in need of God.  They don’t want to hear that they need Jesus.  So, if we kill all He stands for, then we think we will be ok because there is no life after death.  


Father, we pray for our nation, that You will raise up godly men and women who love You.  We pray the eyes of their understanding to be open and they can clearly see and discern what is right and wrong.  We pray for our children to be protected and have a holy boldness to stand against the wiles of their enemy, Satan.  Father, give us boldness as we live in the birth pains of the last days.  We look forward to Your return and help us to be a bold witness as we walk with You through life that others might see You are alive and not dead.  They can never kill You and You will get the final word.


(Already has had the last word.)  Let’s praise Him more today than ever.  Wave your palm branches this morning! Lay your coats down!  The King of Kings is coming.


Stay attentive to Jesus, in the morning, meet you there!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


June 17, 2019

June 17

Running with Jesus


Luke 19:45-46 “And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought, Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.”


     I was meditating on this verse and I thought about what was going on in the temple and we all know they were set up to sell the sacrificial animals and were selling lame animals,  cheating, and taking advantage to make a living off travelers who had come to town for the Passover. The temple became more important for business than for the intended purpose.  The purpose of the temple was a place where God met with man and communed with Him.  A time of making atonement for their sin and seeking to hear from God and listen to the word being explained how God wants us to live.

     Prayer is essential to our spiritual life as breathing is to our physical life.  As I thought on this I wonder how our temple today is being used.  We read in the word our body is the temple of God.  Have we become more obsessed with selling and buying than praying? When Jesus walks around in the rooms of our hearts is He pushed way back in a corner and our physical business is getting more priority than hearing from God.  You know God wants to be the center of our lives and help us run all areas of our lives. Does Jesus have to turn tables over in our hearts before we are willing to listen to Him?  We get into so much trouble because we do not pray and talk to God.

     If prayer is our life line to God, why are we not praying more in our Churches?  We are busier with our own activities, plans, and programs.  Think not? Well plan a prayer meeting which gets more attendance. Would you go? Prayer is both talking to God and listening to God. We should spend more time listening.  Our schedules are so full when we go to church we only listen a few minutes then our mind is off to think on our agendas. We don’t get much out of a message and I bet most don’t pray before they go to church or God to speak to them.  We don’t pray for our service, pastor, or teachers to have a word for us.  We pray only when we want something.  What has taken over your temple?


 Father, help us not make our temple a den of thieves.  Help us all get serious about praying.  We need prayer more than ever before in our land. Forgive us and help us talk to You and listen to You for guidance.


Killing Jesus, tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


June 16, 2019

June 16

Running with Jesus  


Luke 19:41-42,44b  And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes… because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.

     Jesus riding the donkey entered Jerusalem and fulfilled prophesy and what was Jesus doing, weeping! He knew in a few days he would be killed and they did not recognize that He was their long awaited Messiah who would take away the sins of the world.


     This is a warning for the lost! God's Word says,”Today is the day of salvation.” I wonder what those who did not accept Him would tell us today if they were allowed to come back and talk to us. If they did not accept Him they are in Hell lifting up their eyes in torment. People don't want to talk about that, excuse me, I have to because as we look around today we don't weep over those who are not receiving Christ and have little concern. Our society does not believe there is a heaven or hell. They think all this is just a story. Truth is revealed when a prophesy is fulfilled. That is how we know a true prophet. If you read the history and know that this very day would come when the Messiah would enter Jerusalem riding a colt you know they told the truth. We are proclaiming Jesus will return and it will happen, maybe today. We need as Christians to look up because redemption draweth nigh. We need to look around and weep for the lost and seek ways to share the truth with them. Are we weeping? Are we unconcerned? 


Father, forgive us for not being concerned and open doors for us to be able to share the Gospel in fresh new ways. Help us have eyes to see and hear. Help us sow in tears the seeds of resurrection life and hope! Time is running out just like it did this day in Jerusalem, Jesus came! 


Tomorrow: A “House of Prayer”!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


June 15, 2019

June 15

Running with Jesus  

Luke 19:36-37 And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way. And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen;

     What a glorious sight this is to see!  We can see the palm leaves waving in the dry air, coats lining the street as a red carpet and shouting, “Blessing on the King who comes in the name of the Lord”!  What they were really shouting was, “Our national liberator is here”.  Here we see prophesy being fulfilled and Jerusalem was full of travelers in town for the Passover celebration.  They were looking with those physical eyes and missing the most wonderful time in history since creation.  Jesus was on the way to not liberate the nation from physical bondage but from the bondage of sin.  Many thought he was the King who would deliver them from Roman bondage.

     So many people want liberation from the physical conditions they are in or some circumstance and are not looking for the most important liberation man needs.  Mans soul is doomed for eternity without true liberation from the bondage of sin. Sin has brought death upon us and as Mike says, “You can count on it!”  We are always looking at life from a physical perspective.  Man needed to be restored to a relationship with God our Father so when death comes we can have eternal life. He needs to be born again spiritually and restored to a right relationship with the Father. 

     Many today just want the miracles and what feels good and are getting caught up in all the shouting and get their conscience soothed.  Going to church looking for a feeling that only anesthetizes the conscience and have not realized after they leave they only have bandaged and medicated their sickness. Many have never removed the spiritual disease in the body and that is eternal death separation from God.  We must be careful when we get in this state because, just like many of these shouting and singing were feeling liberated but in a few days we will see they had not truly understood.  Their lives were never changed.


Father, help us to discern what true liberation is all about.  It is found in a person who walks with you, which comes through Christ to restore us spiritually and deliver us from the bondage of sin.  Don’t let us become medicated instead of regenerated and liberated.


Tomorrow: Jesus will weep, let’s see why!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015