Benjamin(Ben) Wayne Rodgers born 6/12/2018 @ 6:57AM, 6lbs 1oz, 18 3/4 inches long
Katherine was hired in before she ever graduated and is now employed by in Memphis TN
Katherine Rodgers, BHS, RDMS (AB)(OB/GYN), RVT (VT)
Didn't post all of Katherine's grades, but she did graduate summa cum laude, so very proud of her!!!Still hanging in there!!! Two more semesters to go. So very proud of her!!!
We've have been so blessed at R&B Garage Doors that it's more than Tracy can handle, so be in prayer for Greg and Tracy as Greg starts this new venture in his life.
4/19/17 Katherine received a 4.0 this semester and is now a SENIOR!!!
Katherine was accepted Baptist College of Health Sciences in Memphis TN where she studies Diagnostic Medical Sonography 2016-2018. We are so very proud of her. She studies very hard and it shows.
May 13,2016 She was inducted into te Allied Health Student Association as President Elect (Vice President) 2016-2017and September 22, 2016, she received her white coat.
The end of May 2015 Greg and Katherine became 1st time homeowners.