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November 16, 2018

November 16, 2018

Judy Hollaway


August 10

Running with Jesus  


Acts 2:42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.


     Yesterday we examined the first part of this verse about steadfast in the teaching of the word of the Apostles, today we will examine fellowship. They were to be steadfast in fellowship. Fellowship means to have joint participation and sharing something in common. In order to grow closer to Christ and learn to hear the Holy Spirit, it is very important to your health and life as a Christian to run with your brethren. Remember we are in this world but not of this world. We are to live separated lives. The body of Christ and individuals become weaker when we don't fellowship together. You must plug in someplace. I am not saying we are not to witness to others and help others in order to win them. I am saying when we separate ourselves from the body we will soon adopt unhealthy practices and beliefs that will lead us into sinful lifestyles. We must not allow the world to pull us into their activities that pull us from running the Godly path.  God desires to lead us on.

     When we don't fellowship with other believers, we walk in willful disobedience to His word and sin is crouching at our door. We forsake the assembling and He tells us not to! He knows us inside and out and He knows we need each other to help us stay on the path of righteousness, too lift us as life slams us down and to care for us when we are hurting and to keep us from growing week and giving into temptation!

      So, I ask runners whose path you are running on God's or the world? If you are not actively fellowshipping with the body, you are not fellowshipping with God, because the body is where He is running!  If so get back on His team and run with Him. Trust me that is where real happiness is found! Not out there drowning in life's sea!


Tomorrow: We will break the bread!

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