May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Judy Hollaway
January 19
Running with Jesus 2015
Luke 5:16 And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed.
Feeling run down? Feeling emotionally weak and wanting to quit? Jesus withdrew himself into the wilderness. A desert place, that he might have rest from the preaching and healing diseases. He was being alone, and free from company so He might have an opportunity for private prayer to God. If Jesus needed to draw aside and pray, do we not need to also? When we feeling low draw near to God, spend time in His Word, read until It speaks to you then stop and meditate on what the Word says to you. Just hearing from Jesus will renew your strength and enable
you to stay in the race!
Research has proven prayer and meditation lowers blood pressure, relieves stress and anxiety. It helps with reducing pain, boosting the immune system, and improving moods. There are many other proven facts that deal with our well being. Scientific proof that cost a lot of money to prove! They should have just read the Bible! Father knows best! Can I have an “Amen! “ this morning.
Runners need their rest so take your shoes off and put up those feet today! If you run all the time it will not be healthy! What better way to start a day than sitting down with your coffee, Bible and prayer! Jesus is resting from the run today. You can rest too!
Father, renew our strength today. Help us know how to run and know how to rest. Help us to not forget the benefits of spending quality time with You. Give us wisdom and insight to live life. We thank You for wanting to spend time with us! We love You Father.
Tomorrow: Let's help a friend!
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