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July 9, 2018

July 9, 2018

Judy Hollaway


April 2

Running with Jesus 2015


Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:


                Running with Jesus you can expect division to come.   Some people in this world, the minute they announce they have received Christ, are cast out of their families and disowned. Many do not like to run with quote "Bible Thumpers". When we receive Christ our eyes are opened into the Spirit realm as a new born babe awakens in this world. We begin to grow up in that world and it is so wonderful. We have a new Father, we find love, joy, and peace unspeakable. We change and the things of the lower world are seen with different eyes and we get new desires. We no longer want to go and do the same things and that is when it cost and the division sets in and the world wants no part of Christ! The division was so great it put Jesus on a cruel cross.

                Sometimes as Christians we expect everything to be smooth sailing when we run with Christ. This is not true and many believers will compromise truth and when we stand firm to live by God's principles it will divide us as brothers and sisters because we really want fire insurance to go to heaven but don't want to sacrifice for Christ! The richest blessings come from an OBEDIENT walk with Christ that will cost us! 

               So don't expect if you are a committed runner not to have conflict and divisions in your life! Keep running right next to Jesus listening to His commands walking obediently staying your course.


Father, thank You that we are ok when others reject us and give us strength to stay the course. When we are not accepted help us remember not everyone accepted You and they won’t us! Thank You so much for our new life in You. We pray others will join in the race. Love You, Father! Guide us through this day and help us stay the course! 


Tomorrow: Get loosed!

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