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September 30, 2018

September 30, 2018

Judy Hollaway


June 24

Running with Jesus  


Luke 20:46  Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;


(“Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets.)


     Jesus was warning His disciples about the religious leaders who had come to question Him. They called him master at the end of their conversation. This meant teacher! This was just part of their scheme!

     Today we have religious people who attend churches who do not stand true to Biblical teachings. They have a form of Godliness but deny its power! They lead many astray! He says they have a greater punishment! If someone followed you would it lead them to Jesus? 

     There are many religions running free around us so don't be deceived by their teaching! Pay attention to what they do with Jesus! Don't follow religion! It is all about a personal walk with Christ.

     We need to be careful what we teach not only in words but appearance.  We teach more especially in our homes by what we do! When we watch inappropriate TV shows we are teaching, when we are not serving with a good attitude our kids and grandkids notice. They imitate what they see. When our oldest son Michael started playing baseball and walked up to bat he would spit just like the major league layers. We know most of them were using tobacco products. 

      As a teacher of the Word we will be held accountable so let's take teaching very serious and not cause people to stumble. God's laws never changes only people's minds change. Be careful what you see, hear and do, somebody is learning.


Father, be our Lord and help us be aware of what we are teaching those around us.  Teach us as we study Your Holy Word and help us live by Your Holy Word! 


Lesson on giving, tomorrow!

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