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October 11, 2019

October 11
Running with Jesus  

Acts 13:9 "Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost...."

     This is the first time Luke has mentioned Saul's other name Paul.
Paul means little or small. We don't know all the reason of his name change but we do know Saul was a changed man. As Saul he stood tall in the Jewish world running from Christian to Christian to persecute them and to get rid of the "New Way". Later he would be sent to the gentile nations but was humbled by his Damascus road experience and he was never the same, he was changed. Small Paul would not remain small to us. He is one of our great men of faith and wrote most of the books of the New Testament which has helped grow and developed the church!
      Our lives should be so changed we would need a new name. I remember crossing the Tennessee River to move to Murfreesboro and when I crossed back over to return to West Tennessee I was not the same person who left. I left bound up by fear and returned with faith. I had no idea Satan had me wrapped and chained to hinder my walk. As I was freed I began a new work to help others grow in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the Word of God. I lived my Christian walk defeated because like Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge of God's word." Brother Saul, Paul, and his power books led me to live more on the victorious side of our faith.
      We should grow to be known by our faith nature and not our old nature. One day we will be given a new name written down in glory only God knows.  Do people know you by your new nature or are you still walking around in your old?

Father, help us to be filled and renewed in our inner man and though our outer man is perishing let our inner man be flourishing. Let us live our new life in You. Let others come to know You by our living. Let Christ be in us a hope of glory for others see You. Let us live in our newness our "Christian" life!

Praying for boldness, tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015

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