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November 14, 2019

November 14
Running with Jesus  


Acts 20:1 After the uproar was ceased, Paul called unto him the disciples, and embraced them, and departed for to go into Macedonia


       Paul was about to get back on the road running from church to church encouraging them to continue in the work and knowledge of the Lord. Just before he left the uproar in this town he called his disciple together and embraced them. The New Living Bible translated this word to “encouraged.”
       After an uproar in our lives we get discouraged and want to throw in the towel. Right up our enemy, Satan’s alley. He will cause uproars and distractions in our lives to cause us to live a defeated life. We have to remember he is the mastermind behind most of our uproars! Discouragement is one of his most used fiery darts he shoots at us! He will use anyone, anything, and when you least expect it! So we have to learn to encourage ourselves in the Lord!  So how do we do this?    I can tell you some ways I manage to encourage myself.  I start by putting in praise music and tell the enemy, “Get out of my face!!!” or will worship The Lord out loud! He doesn't like that then I tell him, "I will
pray for the worst evil sinner I can think of!" and I start praying for lost souls. Next I get a verse from God's Word and I cling to a promise. Something like, “No weapon formed against me will prosper or God will make my enemy lay at peace at my feet." Before long my emotions get back in tack and I press on. Also, it never hurts to have 3 great prayer partners lifting me up in prayer and they listen to my hurts.
     God has been my anchor and faithful encourager. On one side life may be in an uproar on the other side is my sweet Jesus running beside me holding my hand and telling me He will strengthen me. So if you are in an uproar remember you are not alone and stand your ground. Be encouraged because Jesus says He overcame the world and with Him you will too.

Father, encourage that one out there today in an uproar. Bring them through it and let them know You are right beside them and they can know Your present help in trouble.

Get up and get back in the race, glory land is just in sight!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015

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