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April 10, 2019

April 10

Running with Jesus


Luke 14:11  For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.


      The Pharisees had so much religious pride. They were the cleanest, they obeyed all the rules, they would be asked to sit in the best seats at the feast.   Jesus delivered a message about pride in this text. Jesus was always in His servant mode! He was always helping others. He went out of His way to go to a thirsty woman in Samaria who was a half breed the religious Jews hated. How about you are you in servant mode today?

      The Bible says pride goes before destruction. We say we are not prideful but would we serve an "untouchable" person?  Would we let them come as guest to our home? Would we be caught walking down a street with them?  Dictionary definition:  Pride is an excessively high opinion of oneself.  Conceit is too high an opinion of one’s abilities, worth, or personality; vanity.  An arrogant person is overly convinced of one’s own importance; overbearingly proud; haughty (The American Heritage Dictionary).      

      The Bible uses the word pride in that we are substituting our own authority, our plan, our greatness, our human goodness in place of God's.  The proud person looks at himself differently than God looks at him. The Bible says God will make the prideful humble. But the person who humbles himself will be important! 

     Since my strong willed granddaughter got saved I have been trying to help her understand she has that old nature who wants to be in control of her and how she needs to let Jesus’ Spirit help her to over ride that old. So I'll say, "Babe how many points does old Zoey have?" She bows her head slightly. She says, "10 Granny!" Then I say "How many does Jesus’ Zoey have?"' She smiled and said, "325!"   I think she is getting it! If only we all could get it! Jesus tells us the humbled will be made important!


Father, help us let our new life as Your runners win out over the old self who puts itself above You and Your plans, desires,  and respond to every soul in a Godly way,  knowing You love and came to serve "all" people not just those who fit our mold! 


      Lots to ponder this morning grab your coffee or coke and sit a little while and let this digest! (Note to self, help me to digest the Word of God, sometimes I swallow it whole and don't savor it. Relax and let it digest so my spirit body can get the benefits!")


Commitments and excuses, tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015

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