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July 19, 2019

July 19

Running with Jesus  


Luke 23:46-47 “And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit; and having said this, he gave up the ghost. Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, certainly this was a righteousman.


      Jesus is still working after the darkness and He knew it was finished dying for our sins.  Defeating our last enemy death and overcoming the evil one, Satan.  In a few days He will rise from the dead and make a way for all of us to become over comers.

     Over comers, are you an over comer or are you allowing Satan to keep you living in defeat?  How does he keep Christians living in defeat, the mind!  Many were there observing all the details just like today many are hearing the truth, but the Bible says, the god of this world has blinded man less they believe. 

     Why do we let Satan get strong holds in our mind? The body of Christ does not grow and learn how to recognize our enemy, discern his voice and strategies.  We let him build up a thought and make us believe it is our own.  He will study us and use our weakness and self-centeredness to grab hold and entrap our mind.  A stronghold always leads to destroy lives.  That is his main goal. 

     I believed all his lies for years and let him try to destroy my life and my mind, but when I got into the Word and God, It revealed his tactics I began to be set free.    We see this in the testimony of the Centurion, before the death of Jesus he operated in his own mind and reasoning and stood guard to the crucifixion, however, afterward he discerned the truth.   Then he glorified God.

     We live in a blinded world and a multitude operating in their minds with powerful stronghold.  Reading God’s Word and obeying what He says is the only way to break free.  We must continue to proclaim the Word not matter how people may try to get us to shut up.  We must share the work of the cross.


Father thank You for breaking me free from the strongholds of destructions in my life and I pray that those reading today will look at the most stressful place they are in and examine their thoughts today. 


     Those thoughts are coming from the evil one who has enticed you.  Cast down those imaginations and walk into the finished work of Christ.


Tomorrow: Some smote their breast and returned….


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015

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