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August 4, 2019

August 4

Running with Jesus


Acts 2:2-3 “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all of the house where they were sitting.  And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.”


     We saw yesterday the town was flooded with Jews from all nations to celebrate the feast of Pentecost for the harvest and giving of thanks.  Assembled together in one accord praying at last God’s Spirit returned to earth to dwell in man.  Jesus came, defeated Satan by dying for the sin of man then returned to sit down at the right hand of the Father and then released the comforter, guide and teacher to abide with man.  We can have fellowship with God after all the years of being blocked from His presence when the curtain that separated us was torn away.

     All the celebrations and sacrifices of the Old Testament was a foreshadowing of the Messiah that would come.  Even the timing of Jesus death was Passover day, the day the Lamb was sacrificed one time a year in the Holy of Holies and that day He would be the last ultimate sacrifice. Fifty days later Peter preaches the first sermon on the life and purpose of Christ during the Pentecost feast and there would be the foreshadowing of the harvest celebration. The celebration would be over the gathering and the harvest of souls. The fire came down on many believers, symbolizing that God’s presence was now available to all who believe, and a worldwide harvest of new believers bringing the first converts to Christianity. The Church age began and would spread through the world, Jesus Saves and we can be restored to God and the guilt of sin can be taken from our lives. Man can now have peace with God.


Father, we come before You today giving You thanksgiving and praise for this great day when we were restored to You.  We are so thankful You love man and sent Your Son to die for sin and remove the death sentence on our lives. Thank You for sending Your Spirit to dwell and work among men.


     I ask you today, do you have that guilt removed and have you been restored to God.  Jesus made a way for you and the Spirit of Promise is waiting for you to receive Him that you might have eternal life. Just cry out to God today.  You can have your guilt and death sentence removed and you can enter heaven to live with God forever more.  Let’s all give out a praise for Pentecost and for this greatest harvest because it brought salvation to us and is still working today! Amen!!! feeling a shout coming on!


Going to be touched with fire in the morning, so get your running shoes laced up!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015

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