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July 23, 2020

July 23

Running with Jesus  


Luke 24:10-11 It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles. And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not.


     Idle tales, sounds like words we would find in a newspaper or a post on Facebook!  The world today thinks when we talk about Jesus it is just a fairy tale or folk lore.  How sad, however, the Bible has told us to confound the wise He has chosen the foolishness of preaching the gospel.  So why are we so perplexed that the world and its system rejects our message of salvation.

     Why does the world not want the “Ten Commandments” that our forefather’s used to build our laws upon?  The world will not have to acknowledge they are sinners when there is no law. No law means that man can live and do as they want. They think this is freedom but if you think about everything the world has to do and offer man apart from God usually leads to a destructive life.

      The commandments were given to man by God so they would be our teacher.  They help us to know how to live vertically and know there is a God and how man is to relate to Him in the first three. The last seven teach us how to live horizontally with fellow man. To the world we just speak idle talk.

     Should we stop this idle talk?  No, we must proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ till we die.  It is our Mission.

     Listen world, Jesus is risen and He offers salvation to you.  You must admit to God you are a sinner, believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died on a cross and rose again the third day that we may be forgiven of our sins and He wants to give you eternal life. You must confess Him as Lord and Savior of our life.  You must listen to our idle talk before it is too late.


Father, help those who have heard this idle tales to see, hear, and understand truth.  I pray as we share the gospel they will have ears to hear and eyes to see truth.  We thank You that it is not idle tales to us, but it is a life of hope, love and peace.  It is a life that You guide that will keep us from living a destructive life.  It is an abundant life one that is made whole when we place You in the center.


     Let’s shout out a big thank You to God our Father for idle tales because it has saved our soul.  AMEN, AMEN, AMEN. I love Your idle tales Father! Keep them coming.


The resurrected Jesus runs up beside a couple of followers, in the morning get up and get running or you will miss a big one! See you there!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015

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