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August 15, 2020

August 15

Running with Jesus  


Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.


     The Jews would go to the temple to pray 3 times a day, morning at 9:00am, afternoon at 3:00pm and evening at sunset.  The ninth hour would be 3:00 pm.  As we grow in Christ we too must develop a consistent prayer life.  We see this in the life of Jesus Christ and by this time we see the disciples were following the life of their master teacher.  You and I will never accomplish anything for the cause of Christ if we are not consistent in prayer.  We already talked about prayer just a few days ago.  As we pray we are storing them up in heaven and we never know when we will get the answer poured out upon us.  I want to share a little story about this.

 I teach a Puggle’s class on Wednesday nights that consists of two and three year olds.  They love puzzle time and one of our puzzles are shapes.  Last year somehow we lost the heart shape.  In my thoughts I kept saying Lord where is our heart and then as I went through some things it was always on my mind.  We are about to begin our AWANA session back after summer so I wanted to organize and redo my room.  As I organized and decorated I couldn’t find my Puggles CD of songs for the kids, so I began to search through the Sunday school class cabinet to look for the CD and all of sudden I spotted the pink heart shape that was missing.  I wanted to shout “Praise the Lord!”  I had given up but it was still on my heart.  Then I said ok Lord now where is that CD and I went a little deeper and found the CD.  I had to lose the CD to find the heart.  I know this is a simple little story, however, it demonstrates how prayer is answered when we least expect it! 

     We can pray about every detail in our lives and that is exciting.  God is so interested in us He knows how many hairs are on our head.  Would you want to count them? I didn’t think so.  He also knows what we are thinking before we speak and He looks on our hearts and knows what is in them and the Word says He will give us the desires or our hearts.

     After Pentecost His Spirit was able to come and enter all men who accept Christ.  When we don’t know how or what to pray the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.  Just remember we can pray about anything and prayer is our life line so learn and develop a consistent prayer life.  Combine reading the Word and praying to God the Father in Jesus name, it will change your life forever.  Prayer changes things.  Let’s never forget our praying.


Father, thank You for always being there with us and You are at our beckoning call twenty-four seven.  I can’t do anything a part from You.  I am leaning on You Lord when I don’t know what to do You are right there every step of the way.


     Got any “Amen” takers today?  Let’s have one of those shouting fits because we serve an awesome God!


Looking for opportunities, in the morning!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015

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