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August 17, 2020

August 17

Running with Jesus


Act 3:11-12 And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called Solomon's, greatly wondering. And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?


     In verse 12 the New Living Bible says, Peter saw his opportunity.  The lame man had been healed and the people ran together to Solomon’s porch and this created an opportunity for Peter to stand up and preach the full gospel.

     Do we look for opportunities to share the gospel?  Most of us are not even focused enough on witnessing.  We aren’t aware that we are a witness all the time.  Our lives are on public display constantly.  Our actions and attitudes reveal the nature of our hearts.  What is your nature?  There are three natures in the Bible.  The first is the natural minded man,  a person who has not been born again and they operate in the physical world with fleshly desires, are self-focused and never mind the business of God .  The second is the Spiritual man who has been born again and his desires, mind and affections are set on doing the will of our God our Father.  He will follow the example of Jesus Christ the Son of God and strives to walk in obedience to God’s will and commands.  This man will look for those opportunities because he has his focus upon the Lord.  The third man is the carnal minded man. He has been born again but is in a backslidden condition.  You cannot tell him from the Natural man.  He is walking in the flesh and minds very little of the business of God.

     What is God’s business? Redeeming the souls of sinners and saving them from hell.

     This day the restored Peter was God focused and had a mouth full to share.  He shared the complete message of Jesus coming to earth to die for the sins of men.  How Jesus was rejected, hung on the cross, buried and rose again from the dead overcoming Satan, our final enemy death. 

     My questions today are; “What is filling your mind?”   Are we like Christ and Peter looking for witnessing opportunities?  Are we thinking only about worldly things and not eternal things?


Father, as we go through this day let us be mindful and focused on what really matters and that is souls being reached before they end up in hell for all eternity.  Nudge us and give us boldness to speak and authority to share the gospel.  We all know this world is in desperate need of You.


Repent and times of refreshing, will come see you tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015

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