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August 6, 2020

August 6

Running with Jesus


Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.


      Our almighty Father will speak in many different ways. In days of old He used fire, wind, rain, belly of a whale, Angels, handwriting on the wall, and to the prophet Elijah it was in a still small voice.

      For me He speaks primarily through the still small voice and the Word of God. He nudges me and says that is me. Sometimes He can use a song or sermon. Sometimes in my storms He speaks loud but most of the time it has been in stillness waiting I get the word He has for me. 

      God came down this day and would touch their tongues and enabled them to speak in the language of those around them. The town was flooded with men from every nation there was need to show the Jews prophesy was there and fulfilled. These men were able to speak so all present could hear the message in their own native tongue. This was a sign for them to believe and we see it came to the Jews first and as we continue to run we will meet up with two other groups that would need a sign salvation had come into the world. Then the evangelism would begin to spread to all the world. 

       God will do whatever He desires to reach man whether in a miraculous way but also in a still small voice behind us saying, “this is the way, go walk in it".  Today as I type He will be using modern technology to speak to your heart! And will reveal to many parts of the world. 

       My question is are you listening, are you still and are you wanting to hear a word from Him.  Get your Bible, pray and ask for Him to reveal Himself to you. 


Father, Pentecost was one of the greatest days on earth because You unleashed Your Spirit to live in man and we no longer are left to run through life alone.


      You are not alone! You never will be! When all looks hopeless we have the blessed Hope! We thank You for that still small voice saying I love you and you are Mine! Amen, amen as my new friend from India says! 


Let's call on the name of the Lord in the morning! Hurry back!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015

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