
July 19, 2019

July 19

Running with Jesus  


Luke 23:46-47 “And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit; and having said this, he gave up the ghost. Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, certainly this was a righteousman.


      Jesus is still working after the darkness and He knew it was finished dying for our sins.  Defeating our last enemy death and overcoming the evil one, Satan.  In a few days He will rise from the dead and make a way for all of us to become over comers.

     Over comers, are you an over comer or are you allowing Satan to keep you living in defeat?  How does he keep Christians living in defeat, the mind!  Many were there observing all the details just like today many are hearing the truth, but the Bible says, the god of this world has blinded man less they believe. 

     Why do we let Satan get strong holds in our mind? The body of Christ does not grow and learn how to recognize our enemy, discern his voice and strategies.  We let him build up a thought and make us believe it is our own.  He will study us and use our weakness and self-centeredness to grab hold and entrap our mind.  A stronghold always leads to destroy lives.  That is his main goal. 

     I believed all his lies for years and let him try to destroy my life and my mind, but when I got into the Word and God, It revealed his tactics I began to be set free.    We see this in the testimony of the Centurion, before the death of Jesus he operated in his own mind and reasoning and stood guard to the crucifixion, however, afterward he discerned the truth.   Then he glorified God.

     We live in a blinded world and a multitude operating in their minds with powerful stronghold.  Reading God’s Word and obeying what He says is the only way to break free.  We must continue to proclaim the Word not matter how people may try to get us to shut up.  We must share the work of the cross.


Father thank You for breaking me free from the strongholds of destructions in my life and I pray that those reading today will look at the most stressful place they are in and examine their thoughts today. 


     Those thoughts are coming from the evil one who has enticed you.  Cast down those imaginations and walk into the finished work of Christ.


Tomorrow: Some smote their breast and returned….


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


July 18, 2019

July 18

Running with Jesus  


Luke 23:44-45 And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.

     The darkest day in the history of man, the sun did not shine for three hours.  Total darkness, it was on this day when God had to turn his back on His Beloved Son, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah became sin and died for all mankind.  No one was running all would stand still as the Son of Man became sin for the whole world. With no sun it was total darkness and you couldn’t see to function and move around.  I can’t imagine what was going on I do know soldiers at the foot of the cross said this indeed was the Son of God. 

     Then Luke tells us the curtain in the Holy of Holies was torn into.  This was not just a simple curtain it was layers of fabric and only the High Priest could enter once a year and if not cleansed would die, but now it was open so all the world would  be able to get to God.  What Jesus did for us that day was restore what Satan, Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden.  The promise to Eve a seed would come and crush his head and bruise Jesus heal was fulfilled this day. Jesus defeated Satan but Satan thought He had killed the promise child.  He could only do what Jesus allowed Him to do and Jesus became the doorway for man to be able once again to walk and talk with God on a one on one basis, can we get a PRAISE this morning.  The curtain that separated us was torn away and now there would be no more need for a priest on earth to represent us on earth that man would have to go through.  Jesus was the Great High Priest that arose in three short days to enter heaven and sit down at the right hand of God to live forever to intercede for us.  Taking the partition away that separated us from God.             

      The darkest day on earth became the greatest day for man.  It was VICTORY day for us.

We have victory and we need to learn to live as victorious people.  Satan is our enemy and we need to remember on our darkest days on earth we have victory over our enemy and we need to remember this day.  Our battle is in our mind and we have to remind ourselves in the dark Jesus was working hardest.  He is here to help us with our darkest days and usually those darkest days His best work is done in us.  Just cling to the cross if you are in one of those days.  Light will come and you will be renewed.


Father help us remember as we go through dark days we are victors and no matter how much Satan wants us to believe there is no hope we have hope.  We can know You did Your greatest work in the dark.


Into thy hands I commit my spirit and He gave up the ghost, Jesus dies in the morning.


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


July 17, 2019

July 17

Running with Jesus


Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.


     As Jesus was lifted up on the cross, on each side of him were two thieves.  Worthy of death on a cross but in the middle was Jesus whom one of the thieves said, “It is right for us to be punished because we have done wrong things. But this man has done nothing bad.”  Turning to Jesus he said, “Lord remember me when you become King.”  That is when salvation came to this man and Jesus said, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”

     When we look around and measure ourselves with the others in the world we may feel  we are not so bad.  When we look at Jesus and measure ourselves we come up short.  We deserve death but when we cry out to God and acknowledge we come up short we too can have paradise awaiting us.

     I ask today which thief do you want to be, the one saying if you are the son of man get us down from here or the one who realizes Jesus was the pure One and needs to be forgiven.  Until we learn that we are a sinner in need of forgiveness we cannot receive paradise.


Father, I thank You I saw my need at the age of 7 and I have never forgotten the night I said yes I need You and I realized I no longer have to fear death and that I have a home awaiting me in heaven for all of  eternity.  I have someone who helps me bear crosses that life brings my way and I never walk alone. 


     Do you have this assurance today?  Are you walking through this life without a friend and helper? If not pray this prayer:  Father I know I am a sinner.  I know that You sent Jesus to die as a sinless Sacrifice for my sins.  Please forgive me and come into my life and give me eternal life and the security of knowing should I die today I can know I will be in paradise because of Jesus death and resurrection for me.  Now go tell someone.  I promise this will be the best day of your life.  Can I get an amen, hallelujah this morning.  If you know Jesus rejoice!


Tomorrow: Darkness fills the earth.


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


July 16, 2019

July 16

Running with Jesus


Luke 23:33a  And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him


     In Isaiah 53:5 we read this “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed.

     The greatest sickness man has ever had is sin.  You see sin brought forth death and would lead to eternal separation from God and eternity in hell, the pit prepared for Satan and his demons. 

     After Adam and Eve sinned every man born would be born with this sin, cancer of the heart.  There would be only one cure and that would be a sinless man, Jesus Christ, coming to die to heal us.

     My question today is have you met and received the remedy. There is a remedy for every sin sick soul and it took place the day Jesus was nailed to an old rugged cross to be sacrificed for the sin of the world. It was prophesied hundreds of years before it took place and right here on the pages of Dr. Luke penned the Words for all to read, “They nailed Him to the cross.”  These six words would be enough to cover the sin of the world.  Just reading six words and living in our society will not do justice to all the excruciating pain Jesus would suffer for us.  We cannot even begin to visualize and understand as those who observe crucifixion on a daily basis.  I just read a few commentaries on how one dies from this type of torture and would make you cringe to think about it.  We need to think about it and read all the details then maybe it would make a difference in how we live our lives.

     The truth is as Christians we forget we are to die to self daily and live for Him.  We are the most selfish society living in the body of Christ.  We are conditioned from the day we are born to yell and scream I want my way.  Even commercials speak to this “It’s my money I want it now!”  The truth is we give so little to the one who was sinless, selfless man ever born  and willingly allowed himself to be placed on a cross to give us a love relationship to redeem us.  Shame on us!


Father, as we gaze at the old rugged cross, place an image on our mind that cannot be erased that we might remember and remind us nothing we ever give up for You can be compared to being nailed to a cross suffering in agony for hours struggling to hold Your aching body up and suffocating.  Most of all help us remember You died from a broken heart and took all our sins upon Youself that we might have heaven and eternity with God the Father. Let us never forget Calvary on our worst day, because it is nothing compared to Your suffering.


Tomorrow: Crucified between to thieves, see you there!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


July 15, 2019

July 15

Running with Jesus


Matthew 27: 33-34 And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull, they gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink.

     I decided to talk to Matthew about what came next in the details and this is what he shared.  They tried to give Jesus a mixture in order to reduce His pain but Jesus did not take it. Gall is usually considered a narcotic that was used to deaden pain. Jesus would suffer conscious and with a clear mind.  His mind was always clear about God’s purpose and plan.  He would come, suffer and die willingly for the sin of man.  He was the promise seed that was given to Eve in the garden that would crush the serpents head and that was about to be accomplished.

     Golgotha was the place that transgressors were taken to be crucified and left to hang as a public example for others.  It was a terrible fear tactic used to control the people.  This day they were taking an innocent, sinless, perfect man to hang on a horrible cross. This day Jesus became the Passover Lamb crucified for us.

     How shallow we take our faith and religion today.  As I read these Words in this passage I felt ashamed of myself for all the petty little things that happen that make me want to throw in the towel. Somebody hurt my feelings…now we call that pain and suffering…they didn’t speak to me…..I didn’t get a visit……I didn’t like that color carpet…..What are we doing these days? And all the begging we have to do to get a nursery worker or teacher…..All the phone calls to just keep people attending regular. Sometimes people miss and say no excuse I just didn’t like peanut butter……we are talking about a Man dying on a cross to save us from hell. Oh I am sorry I wasn’t supposed to mention hell.       

     Perhaps we need a “Skull” placed in every city to remind us of Calvary! Guess I am on a soap box today.  Well the Holy Spirit got me so why not you too!


 All I can say today Father, I am so sorry for all my lame excuses and cry outs for mercy. Please, forgive us and keep the blood of the cross in sight lest we forget.  I am so ashamed.


  How about you?  Let’s just kneel before Him and not even speak for we are unworthy.


If this wasn’t enough, the nails, tomorrow, can we bear to read it.


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015