
November 5, 2019

November 5

Running with Jesus


Acts 17:18  "Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics  And some said, What will this babbler say? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection."

     Welcome back and let's investigate these Stoics. Stoicism has a reputation for being a cold, heartless, indifferent philosophy. The entire point of stoicism is to accept the world as it is and act accordingly. For the believer, that isn't a bad way to see the world if we add just a bit: the love of God for us and the value He gave to each person. In Christ, it is logical to love.

     They are thinkers and not Bible believers. They use logic, physics, and ethics. They live in a neutral state above joy and peace, living indifferently showing little or no emotions. They think what will be, will be and man can't control or change anything. They do not acknowledge God exist. They are Universalist and think we are part of the world. They placed thinking above feeling and tried to live in harmony with nature and reason. Opposite the Epicureans they suppressed their desire for pleasure and were much disciplined people.  

      I read four articles and I am still trying to figure this group out! It would take a lot more faith to believe this man thought up stuff and yet they had schools teaching these thoughts and theories.  Man living in a tranquil state and at one with the universe. No God! These teachings are sounding familiar, a man who uses reasoning to live by! No eternal purposes. Man is born, lives and dies. No thoughts to eternity and life after death and no resurrection life. Because Paul taught salvation and resurrection life, they called Paul a babbler! "Let's hear what this babbler has to say!" The world thinks we are babblers today too!

      Well you can think all day and miss out on the greatest event of life and that is God and man communicating, the joy of having a relationship with our Lord and Savior. This gives us meaning and purpose and eternal life! And one day we will enjoy our resurrection life! Can I get that amen this morning from our Jesus runners? I am so glad we can know God and know where we will live eternally! No reasoning to it just reading and trusting the Word! Jesus saves!


Jesus, thank You for saving our souls and giving us eyes to see truth and wisdom. We pray for those whom the god of this world has blinded their eyes lest they believe the gospel of Christ. Help us live as that city on the hill today so others can see truth. Please open doors for the gospel to be preached in our schools. 


Paul shares the gospel with the religious, tomorrow.


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 4, 2019

November 4

Running with Jesus  


Acts 17:18 "Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics encountered him. And some said, What will this babbler say? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection."


      Paul began one of his great challenges facing these Greeks and their philosophy. The Epicureans seeking happiness and pleasure was the primary goal in life! They were having luxurious tastes or habits, especially in eating  and drinking. Sound familiar? Apparently we run around with people in our America who have adopted this same philosophy. Years ago we went to a place to do a survey to find unchurched homes for a witnessing team. As we knocked on the door we were told, "It Is summer we don't attend church in the summer!"

     Serving God is not a sport that is seasonal! He is an everyday God! He is not a philosophy or way of thinking! He is a being and it is about a personal relationship! Philosophy will take you to hell! Christ will take us to heaven.

     You don't see the name Epicureans listed among us but their theology is rampant in our colleges teaching man’s ideas and thoughts. 

     In the last days the Bible tell us man will become wiser but weaker. This has proven to be so true. We live in a crumbling society and man has become more depraved and wickedness is rampant. A lawless society always crumbles. God's Word sustained our great country for years. Man's ideology has led us away from the all knowing God whom our laws were founded upon. Let's pray for our Nation.


Father, we confess we have followed man’s ways and abandoned You as a nation. Forgive us and heal our land. Open the eyes of those who are walking in darkness.  Raise up Godly men and women who love You and want You to lead them.   Send us a Moses who talks face to face with You. Come quickly Lord Jesus.


Meet the Stoics, tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 3, 2019

November 3

Running with Jesus  


Acts 17:16 “Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.”


     Paul had arrived in Athens and as he looked around, his spirit was stirred because he was seeing all sorts of idols and statues that the Greeks worshipped.  It was a physical object that was worshipped.  A physical object has no life and is dead.  It doesn’t breath, eat, move or have any emotion yet man will choose to make it an object of worship.  Idols also can be anything we place before God giving time, energy, and glory.  We love to think about idolatry as an object but we don’t like to think about anything that takes us away from God and serving Him.

     Idolatry can be our own desires and pleasures. When we allow pleasures to consume us and take all our time we have created an idol.

     What is foreign to us today is in America foreign religions, Buddhists, Hindu and other religions, have brought their idols into our land.

     Like Paul we must let this stir our spirits to be prepared to be a greater witness than ever before of our true salvation found only in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Paul will deliver a great message to these Greeks shortly.  He will find a way to talk to them.  We must rid the idols we have and prepare to be more faithful than ever to God and carry the gospel message to a world where Judea, Samaria and all parts of the earth has come to us. 

     The last days are upon us and time is short. Let’s pray for a stirring of our spirit.


Father, as we look all around us we see a land filled with idolatry.  Some are physically seen some are not visible.  They are all around us.  Father, stir our spirit and help us to move like never before sharing the gospel as we run through life.


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 2, 2019

November 2
Running with Jesus  

Acts17:5b-6 ….. and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people. And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

     We are not told a lot about Jason in this text. We do know he was one God was using to help form a church in this area. He opened his home and helped Paul and Silas do a great work!    We don't all have to be out front and known to be a great helper to God. We just have to be willing servants. We must remember our Father who sees in secret will reward that person for what he has done.

     The Pharisee's wanted to be noticed. They dropped their change in the offering plate so people could hear its rattling sound to look like a big giver. They also prayed long and loud prayers to be heard by men.  Jason moved silently was barely being mention and hardly noticed in this text. Helping two preachers do God's work. We need Jasons.  We have a lot of Jasons working in the background supporting us.
      I notice those who are faithfully helping whether it is financially, or physically doing so much to further the gospel or sustain the church ministries. So I ask are you a Jason? God sees all you do and in season you will reap a reward.

 Father, make us like Jason, faithful, steadfast, and persevering for the gospel. Show us the work You have for us to do in helping Your servant’s leaders get the gospel preached! Help us open our homes or take out the trash or teach no matter what to keep serving and helping. Give us a serving, persistent, and persevering spirit.

A stirring of the Spirit, tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 1, 2019

November 1
Running with Jesus  


Acts 17:5  But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar …..

     Jealousy is a big word! It is resentment because of another's success.  This leads us to bitterness and that leads to anger and that can lead to murder.  Paul was preaching and it began to attract a large group and the other teachers got mad and caused a riot.
     Jealousy destroys families, friendships and lives. Rather than being excited over lives being changed self got in the way and personal desire. I have counseled with women who were jealous and built things up in their mind that was not true of their spouse and drove their spouse away from them. Jealousy is another tool of Satan to cause trouble. Remember Cain killed Able over his offering to God. Jealousy is a killer. We must guard our hearts of jealousy.
     Look at all these synonyms for jealousy: anxious, apprehensive, attentive, begrudging, covetous, demanding, doubting, emulous, envious, envying, grabby, grasping, green-eyed, grudging, guarded, intolerant, invidious, jaundiced, mistrustful, monopolizing, possessive, possessory, protective, questioning, resentful, rival, skeptical, solicitous, suspicious, vigilant, watchful, zealous. Now let's look opposite at the antonyms of jealousy: confident, content, satisfied, trusting, unresentful. Now which state had you rather be in?

Father, search our hearts today take out jealousy and put trust into our hearts. Let us be grateful when others prosper and be an encourager not a rioter. Show us blind spots we might have that need to be brought to light so we can live free and spirited.

Tomorrow: Are you a "Jason"?


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015