
November 15, 2019

November 15

Running with Jesus  


Acts 20:24 "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God."


      None of these things move me. These words spoken by Paul should ring in our hearts and our ears! Paul understood the calling God had placed upon his life. He was fully committed to sharing the gospel. More than anyone he understood how being good was not getting things right with God. He understood how being educated in the written law would get us no relationship with God. He knew what it was like to have power and not know Jesus. His desire was for all to know the Christ whom he met on the road to Damascus. Paul's life was transformed and his soul set free from the penalty of sin. He got it right! He wanted his own people to know the truth. His life was set on the course and he would never veer off the path. Even beating after beating he stayed consistent at full steam ahead. He even knew his days were numbered. He never gave up!

     Let's be a Paul who finished his race. Paul started with focusing on his mission! Do you have a mission? Have you let some circumstance distract you?   Satan loves to distract us, discourage us and attack us! So let's stay the course and finish our race!


 Father, make us aware of the enemy who wants us to get our focus off the mission we are on. Give us the strength to endure. Help my friends who need to get back in the race! Let today be that day they say, "Here I am Father, returning to You and Your work!"  Help them discern that this life is temporary but Your way is eternal! 


Finding grace, tomorrow, I will meet you here!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 14, 2019

November 14
Running with Jesus  


Acts 20:1 After the uproar was ceased, Paul called unto him the disciples, and embraced them, and departed for to go into Macedonia


       Paul was about to get back on the road running from church to church encouraging them to continue in the work and knowledge of the Lord. Just before he left the uproar in this town he called his disciple together and embraced them. The New Living Bible translated this word to “encouraged.”
       After an uproar in our lives we get discouraged and want to throw in the towel. Right up our enemy, Satan’s alley. He will cause uproars and distractions in our lives to cause us to live a defeated life. We have to remember he is the mastermind behind most of our uproars! Discouragement is one of his most used fiery darts he shoots at us! He will use anyone, anything, and when you least expect it! So we have to learn to encourage ourselves in the Lord!  So how do we do this?    I can tell you some ways I manage to encourage myself.  I start by putting in praise music and tell the enemy, “Get out of my face!!!” or will worship The Lord out loud! He doesn't like that then I tell him, "I will
pray for the worst evil sinner I can think of!" and I start praying for lost souls. Next I get a verse from God's Word and I cling to a promise. Something like, “No weapon formed against me will prosper or God will make my enemy lay at peace at my feet." Before long my emotions get back in tack and I press on. Also, it never hurts to have 3 great prayer partners lifting me up in prayer and they listen to my hurts.
     God has been my anchor and faithful encourager. On one side life may be in an uproar on the other side is my sweet Jesus running beside me holding my hand and telling me He will strengthen me. So if you are in an uproar remember you are not alone and stand your ground. Be encouraged because Jesus says He overcame the world and with Him you will too.

Father, encourage that one out there today in an uproar. Bring them through it and let them know You are right beside them and they can know Your present help in trouble.

Get up and get back in the race, glory land is just in sight!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 13, 2019

November 13

Running with Jesus


Acts 19:25  Whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth.


     I decided to hang here with these men speaking to Demetrius and watch how he manipulated a whole town into a riot. It only takes one with a personal agenda to cause trouble. We learned yesterday his hidden agenda was the drop in sales, money. So he moves forward in the community and appeals to their business and religion, the mask, to get his agenda carried out. He wanted to run Paul and his Christian workers out of town. So he started a riot and got them on his side. 

     People do the same things today to cause confusion in the body of Christ. They have an issue and go person to person working their agendas. Satan loves this activity because he is the author of confusion not God. He will seek to destroy the work of God. He conquers us by division. God’s Word says to seek peace with all men. We have so many people seeking personal agendas and leave out our main goal, to restore relationships and bring healing, however we press our desires and wants until division occurs. We can have oneness by having the mind of Christ. He tells us to let this mind be in you that is in Christ Jesus. 

     In today's story it was lost men causing the division, which we can expect, their response, but we should expect the body of Christ to work in unity and harmony. There should be one agenda and that is to bring salvation to a lost and dying world. We must lay aside personal agendas to reach the lost. 


 Father, help us stay true to each other and seek to listen, know, and understand each other. Help us not solve our differences by dividing but seek to know the mind of Christ and show the world we can work together in harmony.  The world sees Christ by the way we show Your love to each other. 


Encouragement comes in the morning!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 12, 2019

November 12

Running with Jesus


Acts19:24-25  For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto the craftsmen; Whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth.

         Paul was bringing people to know Christ and a church was born and people began to walk in The Way. But look what happened when idol sales went down, they formed a group and set out to stop the work and ministry of Paul.    These men were only concerned with their own pocketbooks rather than their own souls and the souls of man.

      Not any different today, there are so many other organizations and activist groups that have power and money given to them to form groups that do not want to hear the gospel preached because it destroys their million dollar businesses. Their lives are lived contrary to the Word of God. 

      As Christians in "The Way" we must press on and keep telling the story of God's love because we know the way, the truth, and the life. We must continue to remember souls are dying every second and entering hell. They want to destroy the Church. 

      To make matters even worse there are active people in churches who refuse to take a stand because their businesses need to increase their sales by joining the worlds ways to pad their purses by selling products contrary to the Word of God because tax money is needed in the town. Hog wash! God says, “Give and it shall be given to you,” a good measure pressed down shaken together. He says, “Test Me and I will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing upon you!” Curses will come when we disobey God. God forbid! There needs to be some salvation check-ups. Go ahead and pad your pocket books, pay day will come! You may enjoy for a season but seasons always change.


Lord, help us! We are such needy people. Help us to discern the wiles of the devil who seeks to kill and destroy lives. Please, issue a wake-up call. Please, help us return to the Lord. We know Your return for us is so close. Help us live in preparation to meet You face to face and hear, "Well done My faithful servant."


Just takes one to cause confusion, see you tomorrow!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015


November 11, 2019

November 11
Running with Jesus

Acts 19:19  "Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver."

     Paul moved on and formed a church in Ephesus and people who had heard the gospel believed and were baptized and God began doing a great work in this town. God gave Paul power to do many miracles and as a result some who were studying sorcery had a book burning. This was a million dollar industry.
      Do we not need a book burning in America?  News stands are filled with pornography and all sorts of evil materials. Book stores contain books on witchcraft and all sorts of materials on things that are contrary to the teachings of God's Word, The Bible. Millions of dollar industry ruining our nation!
     I studied about King Josiah the son of a wicked King. He became heir at age eight and at about age nineteen was given a copy of the scroll that had been hid for protection. He had it read to him from Deuteronomy about curses and judgment would come to Israel.  They had to choose between the paths of disobedience to God and receive curses and blessings for those who obeyed the law of God’s Word. He began a religious reformation in the land.
      Do we ever in our history need a reform and a book burning? We are headed for destruction if we do not repent and turn back to God. Josiah repented and tore his clothes over the state of his country. God heard his cry and promised he would have peace in Jerusalem during his life time. One man changed the course of history. One man brought blessings to his land instead of curses. We must choose the road to blessings, which is an obedient walk with the Word of God as our road map.
      Runners get set, ready, go! What needs to be burned in your household and what do you need to be reading? I pray you are reading the Bible so you can live close to God and receive blessings not curses. This is real America, repent and return to God! Judgment is coming!

Lord, help us burn books and remove anything that is hindering our fellowship and can lead our nation back to You. Hear our prayers Lord send a revival in our land that is in a spiritual famine and malnourished of Your Word.   

Watch out! Paul gets into some idol making crafts and men's pocket books, in the morning, they will not like it!


Judy Hollaway

Originally penned 2015